Mobiado have created the Grand Touch Executive phone. Constructed from a hybrid stone material and sapphire crystal, this luxury phone is based on the CPT001 concept, which Mobiado launched a few years ago. The Grand Touch Executive includes a five megapixel camera with LED flash, sixteen GB of RAM, a built-in GPS, Bluetooth, and an […]
Search Results For: Mobiado
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Mobiado Grand Touch Executive
20Oct12Warning: Use of undefined constant template_directory - assumed 'template_directory' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/s9j81g1dyt9x/domains/ on line 17
Mobiado Grand Touch Aston Martin Phone
07Mar12Mobiado have collaborated with Aston Martin to create the Grand Touch Aston Martin Phone. Crafted out of solid aircraft aluminum, this touchscreen phone has a CNC machined body and sleek lines and curves reminiscent of Aston Martin automobiles. This Mobiado is available in five different engineering styles, which includes two models with gold and ebony […]
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Mobiado Grand 350 Aston Martin Phone
21Sep11The Mobiado Grand 350 Aston Martin phone is the product of a partnership between Mobiado and Aston Martin. The handset is crafted from machined aircraft grade anodized aluminum and inlayed with sapphire crystal. The keys are made of sapphire crystal and stainless steel. The phone uses the Symbian operating system and is available in black, […]
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Mobiado Professional 105 ZAF
30May08Mobiado have released a new phone as part of their Professional line, the 105 ZAF. The phone is made of anodized aircraft grade aluminum and features stainless steel keys and features a sapphire crystal display and back. The 105 ZAF is just ten and a half millimeters thick making it one of the thinnest phones […]
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Mobiado Camo Phone
07May08Mobiado have released a new phone as part of their Professional Executive Model collection. The Camo phone features a military camouflage pattern which is hand painted onto the aircraft grade anodized aluminum body. The phone features a special DiamondShield coating which makes it resistant to scratches and other tarnishing. Only two hundred phones are being […]
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Mobiado Limited Edition Stealth Cell Phone
03Jan08Cell phone maker Mobiado has released a new limited edition phone based on their Luminoso phone and is inspired by military stealth aircraft. The Mobiado Stealth is made of a single block of aluminum which is anodized to give it a matte black appearance. The phone features stainless steel keys and a sapphire display as […]
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Mobiado Luminoso Cell Phone
04Jan07Mobiado who made their name making wooden cell phones way before Gresso have released a new model named the Luminoso. As the name suggests the design of the phone is based heavily on light. The Luminoso is made of aluminum which is annodized with a ceramic coating to make it scratch proof. Interestingly enough the […]